So now you are faced with fair few strip covered folders. What to do with them? Well I have a few ideas:
1) – Gesso – spread some gesso over the brightest strips use
your fingers to spread it around – you want the result to be semi transparent
in some places and opaque in others. See before and after pic below. Set aside
to dry.
2) Watercolour/Gouache wash – Add some water to your colour and spread around with a brush or a baby wipe - keep in mind that water-colour will re-activate
if you put any wet media over the wash. One way to stop the colour moving is by
using some clear gesso over the top of the wash. – Set aside to dry.
As you can see - I've added quite a bit of gouache to my palette - I had a lot of wash left over - so coloured some printer paper and old book pages - as well as a journal I had on my desk. This is the result -
Old book paper
Journal and a sheet of watercolour paper
Cheap printer paper
You can use all the above in later projects - keep it near your desk so anytime you have excess paint or colour just slap it onto these papers and you will have a really unique background to glue into your art journal.
Next time, I will go through mixing up an acrylic wash and adding texture to your file folders.
Until then,
Happy crafting.
Fae x