Wednesday, 4 February 2015


I love seeing the drawings of faces on Pinterest - people are so talented. I've always wanted to give drawings a go. Not the fine art stuff though - that just won't happen in my lifetime.

I decided to sew a book of watercolour paper together and practice faces. This has been going on for an entire year!!!

You be the judge if practice does indeed make perfect. I think I need to work on the shading and perhaps trying to centre the features better. I'm really happy with all the practising, but will note that my other half has had a whale of a time critiquing my efforts. Even laughed out loud at some of the attempts.

So your turn to critique - I have drawn faces in this book but will only post a few - the first one, some boo boos and the end result of those practices.

The first go:

These are some of the ones that my other half had a good laugh about:

 Staring eyes and huge cheek area.

I messed the eye up and he couldn't contain himself over the eye patch.

"OMG!!" with a very loud lengthy braying sound - (must be a bloody donkey!)

 And last but not least - "Squash-ball face".

Then I started producing these and there was moderate praise.

And these are the ones that I really like. Some are still works in progress (re. shading and colouring) but thought I would post it anyway.



I'm sure you would agree that it is a VAST improvement - just have to work on the shading of the faces to make them look a little more realistic.

I drew these last night.

So to conclude - I do think that practice definitely makes better (not perfect).

That's it from me -

Happy Crafting x